About Chris Robb
Chris Robb is the author of the book ‘Mass Participation Sports Events’; a highly sought after International Speaker; High Impact Consultant and CEO of Mass Participation Asia.
Chris’s life reads like the pages of a novel. His amazing journey has allowed him to impact the lives of millions of people by creating and delivering mass participation sports events across three continents.
While there have been countless highlights, including working on the Sydney 2000 Olympics and meeting Sir Richard Branson at his home on Necker Island, Chris came from humble beginnings, growing up poor on a farm in Zimbabwe.
It is Chris’s belief that our greatest opportunity to grow and learn often comes from times of extreme pressure.
Along the way, he discovered that events he initially perceived as “disasters”, were in fact gifts. These significant moments taught Chris many valuable lessons that have helped him to be successful in business and to help others to achieve success.
His first business was started with a few thousand dollars, six months after emigrating to Australia. The business grew into a multi-million-dollar international company which was then sold to IRONMAN.
He has been at the helm of some of the biggest mass participation events, including the Singapore Marathon, with 60,000 participants and 5,000 staff and volunteers.
“It has given me a wonderful insight into the incredible platform that mass events provide for brands, governments and charities as well as the challenges the industry faces.”
Chris uses a number of platforms to help and inspire others:
· Public speaking – especially his “Gift of Disaster” keynote
· High impact results through consulting and advising
· Facilitating industry collaboration and best practice via Mass Participation Asia – an annual industry conference and year-round industry engagement that he founded in 2015
Chris lives in Bali with his wife Tet and son Sam where he loves to cycle, scuba dive and spend family time in the beautiful outdoors. Travelling is another of his passions which he often shares with Tet and Sam on family trips both within the region and visiting family and friends overseas.
He is passionate about impacting the lives of the less privileged as a life member and Champion of B1G1, which stands for Buy 1 Give 1 and is a social enterprise and non-profit organization with a mission to create a world full of giving.
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