Chris Robb’s Books
Chris Robb has a wealth of experience and his book is a brilliant tool for those wanting to
understand the many facets of staging successful mass participation sports events.
This excellent book will be part of my coaching setup as I look to improve as an event organiser.
– Steve Cram, CBE
There has been a huge boom of mass participation sports events, especially here in Asia where we are seeing many developing regions come into play and a whole movement of participants wanting to be a part of something unique to them.
However, putting up a successful (and profitable) event is far from a simple task. Take a peek into Chris’ mind as he uncovers the secrets to this complex and exciting industry through Mass Participation Sports Events. In this book, Chris shares some of his personal stories and more importantly, the critical elements in making such large-scale events work – from venues to the signing up process, volunteers to security, routes and content to project teams and partners.
Mass Participation Sports Events is the essential handbook for industry beginners and veterans alike and is often used as a guideline for event organizers and schools alike – after all, Chris has seen more than a million participants cross the finish line in his lifetime.
Click here to purchase a copy of Mass Participation Sports Events.
Chris’ heart is in seeing the cycling and running phenomenon blossom in Asia and he has not missed a chance to
contribute and educate. His book is based on hard-earned experience from around the globe.
To those who want to organise, here then is your bible.
– Phil Liggett, MBE
Chris was one of 34 business owners from different industries to collectively write unique pieces in creating Better Business, Better Life, Better World. The book has since become a best-seller and is hailed as a masterpiece, because of the question each contributor had to answer:
“What are three pieces of best advice you will give to your grandchildren…to create great businesses, to live a great life and to build a great world?”
Each and every chapter of this book reveals the best advice from those business owners… and they were NOT about how you maximize your profits.
The running theme through each contribution was about how we can live with true integrity, pride, aspirations, then achieve real meaningful success.
Apart from contributing content for the book, Chris also takes no financial benefit from sales of the book. Instead, proceeds are channeled towards his favourite giving projects on B1G1 to create life-changing impacts.
The people who have read this first of its kind publication have remarked that the insights were so inspirational and useful that they felt there should be more of these types of books in the world.
Click here to find out more and to purchase a copy of Better Business, Better Life, Better World.